The project investigates e-leading with digital communication focusing on managers working in the service sector. First, e-leadership strategies, practices, and digital communication competences are explored in two culturally diverse settings: in Finland and Japan. Research data are collected via expert interviews and focus group interviews with top and middle managers, and participant observation in large IT companies in both countries. Second, by triangulating the country-specific qualitative datasets, the project can build a more culture-general theoretical foundation of the eleaders’ digital communication competence (DICO), produce a conceptualisation of it, and further operationalise the construct. Third, in the quantitative phase of the research project, the aim is to test a measure of e-leaders’ DICO with empirical data from an international service company. Furthermore, whether e-leaders’ DICO has an impact on employee motivation, satisfaction, commitment, and
performance in the IT company is investigated.
16 items-
How do top managers select communication channels for various e-leadership tasks? Insights from IT-industry
Salin, Lotta; Koponen, Jonna. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2023. EURAM 2023. s. 1-37. A4 Conference proceedings -
Hybridi- ja etätyön piinaa vai hurmaa?
Koponen, Jonna; Salin, Lotta. 2023. Etäjohtaminen ja viestintä -blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Lisääntyykö työtyytyväisyys vai yksinäisyys? Etäjohtaminen vaatii uudenlaista osaamista
Koponen, Jonna. 2023. MustRead. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
E-leaders’ perceptions on e-leading with digital communication
Salin, Lotta; Koponen, Jonna. 2022. abstract -
Johtamisen murros & viestinnän salat Feat. Jonna Koponen ja Lotta Salin
Koponen, Jonna; Salin, Lotta; Järvinen, Kalle; Kärnä, Claudia. 2022. I1 Audiovisual material -
Myynnin etävuorovaikutus ja asiakasarvo
Koponen, Jonna; Salin, Lotta. 2022. Etäjohtaminen ja viestintä -blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Palautteen merkitys etäjohtamisessa
Koponen, Jonna; Salin, Lotta. 2022. Etäjohtaminen ja viestintä -blogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Poikkeuksellista viestintää – voiko etävuorovaikutus tuhota arvoa?
Salin, Lotta; Koponen, Jonna; Keränen, Joona; Metsola, Jaakko. Teoksessa: Kantanen, Helena; Koskela, Merja(toim.) , 2022. Poikkeuksellinen viestintä. s. 126-142. ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Understanding Value Creation through Digital and In-Person Communication in Solution Selling Process
Julkunen, Saara; Koponen, Jonna; Nickell, David. 2022. Nordic journal of business. 71: 5-25 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
“It’s Time to Focus on Humanity”: Millennial Business Students’ Perceptions of Competencies Needed by Future Leaders
Koponen, Jonna; Heikkilä, Essi; Karhapää, Sari-Johanna; Ikonen, Mirjami; Hiltunen, Esa. 2022. Nordic journal of business. 71: 102-125 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research