Infrastructure of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology Department
Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology conducts commissioned research for entities outside the university. The commissioned research is confidential and subject to secrecy. New research openings related to commissioned research and collaborative projects should be agreed with the responsible professors of the Department of Chemistry and Sustainable Technology:
Materials Chemistry: prof. Mika Suvanto, prof. Jarkko J. Saarinen and prof. Olli Sippula
Organic Chemistry: prof. Janne Jänis and prof. Juha Rouvinen
Inorganic Chemistry: prof. Igor Koshevoy
Physical chemistry: prof. Mikko Linnolahti
Sustainable Technologies: prof. Antti Haapala
In case of analysis services of
mass spectrometry, take contact to prof. Janne Jänis
other equipment, take contact to senior laboratory manager Sari Suvanto
Our staff members will conduct measurements, or according to an agreement, train for use of equipment. In our pricing, we follow the University of Eastern Finland’s official price lists, which are checked annually.
Organometallic synthesis
Environmental catalysis research group 01.01.2005 -
Molecular modelling research group 01.01.1984 -
Functional surfaces
Sustainable Technologies 01.09.2023 -
Wood Materials Science
Research equipment
The research equipment are presented as a groups. Press the Plus sign to display a list of device that belong to each group.
solariX, 12T FT-ICR MS, Bruker
analyzation of chemical structure and composition of materialstimsTOF, ion mobility mass spectrometer, Bruker
identification and quantification of proteinsQ exactive UHMR mass spectrometer, Thermo Scientific
investigation of structure and heterogeneity of protein complexes, mass resolution at high m/z -
JNM-ECZ500, 500MHz NMR spectrometer, JEOL
characterization of chemical structure of materialFLS1000, Fotoluminescence spectrometer, Edinburgh Instruments
steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy; spectral and lifetime measurementsVertex 70, FTIR analyzer, Bruker
characterization of chemical structure of materialsDX-4000, FTIR gas analyzer, Gasmet
measures multiple gases simultaneouslyInVia Reflex, Raman spectrometer, Renishaw
characterization of chemical structure of materialsLambda 900, UV/Vis/NIR spectrometer, Perkin Elmer
characterization of chemical structure of materials, and measurements of colour, transmission, and reflection properties -
S-4800, FE-SEM, Hitachi with Noran System Six, EDS detector, Thermo Electron
examination of structure of materials in nanometer scale and measurement of elemental compositionSZX12 Optical Microscope, Olympus with DFC300, camera, Leica
structure of protein crystalsBX51, Optical Microscope, Olympus with U-TV1X-2, camera
structure of materials -
XtaLAB Synergy S, X-ray diffractomer, Rigaku
crystalline structure of single crystalsSuperNova, X-ray diffractomer, Rigaku
crystalline structure of single crystalsD8 Advance, powder X-ray diffractometer, Bruker
crystalline structure of powder samplesMar345 dtb, Nonius FR591, X-ray diffractometer
molecular structure of proteins -
TGA 2, Thermotravimetric Analyzer, Mettler Toledo
measurement of quantitative information on the composition and thermal stability of different types of materialsDSC821e ja DSC823e, Differential Scanning Calorimeters, Mettler Toledo
measurement of enthalpy change involved in chemical and physical transition of materials, and study of glass transition and melting temperatures of polymersTMA/STDA841e, Thermomechanical Analyzer, Mettler Toledo
measurement of thermal expansion of materials -
CTC256, environmental test chambers, Memmert
test chamber for climate and temperature testsHPP400, constant climate chamber, Memmert
test chamber for climate and temperature testsValmet FS5 UHD, fiber image analyzer, VALMET
analyze the sample’s fiber dimensions (length and width), fiber quantity, fine particle content, length mass, fiber curl, and several other values related to the morphology of fibers and finePanda Plus 2000, homogenizer, GEA
for the treatment of nanoparticles, nanodispersions and nanoemulsionsSD-06, laboratory scale spray dryer, LabPlant
spray drying is used to dry liquid (solution, emulsion or suspension) materials when it is desired to form or dry particles -
Dipcoater, single vessel, KSV NIMA
coating of materials with solutionsHeto PowerDry LL1500, Freeze Dryer, Thermo Scientific
small scale freeze dryingLaboPol-5 with LaboForce-3, Grinding and polishing machine, Struers
polishing and grinding of flat surfacesVCX750, Ultra Sonic Processor, Sonics
high intensity ultrasonic liquid processor, sample preparation, dispersion, homogenization and degassingMiniLabII, Micro Compounder, Haake
compounding and extruding of small amounts of materialsMiniJet, Injection Molding system, Haake
injection molding in laboratory scale and preparation of test specimenZM200, Ultra Centrifugal Mill with DR100, Vibratory Feeder, Retsch
fine grinding of plastics and other solid particlesCo WS-400A-6NPP/LITE/10K, Spin Coater, Laurel Technologies
coating of materials with solutions208HR, High Resolution Sputter Coater, Cressington
coating of materials with thin metal layers for SEM measurementsRM 2165, Rotary Microtome, Leica
producing thin sections of specimenXL-1000, Spectrolinker, Spectonics
UV curing and drying of adhesives and coatings -
BELSORP MAX X model 334, high precision volumetric gas/vapor adsorption measurement instrument, Microtrac MRB
specific surface area, pore size distribution; micro, meso and macropore analysisBELCATII VP and BELMASS II, fully automated catalyst analyzer, Microtrac MRB
TPD, TPR, TPO, pulse chemisorption, BET single point, Breakthrough curce, Q-mass spectrometer for multi component gas analysisvario MICRO cube, Gas Chromatography Elemental Microanalysator, Elementar
quantitative analysis of nitrogen, sulphur, hydrogen and carbonZ010/TH2A, Materials testing machine, Zwick
tensile and flexural testing of materialsTribometer, CSM Instruments
friction and wear properties of materials -
ÄKTA pure 25, Cytiva
liqued chromatograph system for purification of proteinsImpax-6, Crystallization Robot, Douglas Instruments
robot for protein crystallizationDynaPro99, Temperature Controlled Microsampler
DynaPro99, Protein Solutions Light Scattering Machine, Wyatt -
PowerEdge C6420, Dell (1240 cores)
molecular modellingPowerEdge C6320, Dell (768 cores)
molecular modellingProLiant SL390s G7, HP (768 cores)
molecular modelling