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Biomedical Image Analysis

Our current research focus lies in identifying biomarkers of brain disorders from neuroimaging data, which is an exciting and rapidly growing research area at the intersection of machine learning, biomedical engineering and neuroscience. Conventional approaches towards imaging biomarkers reduce the data dimensionality by averaging the image information to one or few variables of a-priori interest – for example, the volume of Hippocampus for Alzheimers diagnosis. However, such methods discard much information present in brain images. Instead, allowing machine learning algorithms to decide what is important and decipher the predictive pattern (sometimes called statistical biomarker) is projected to be beneficial. This leads to challenging and underconstrained machine learning problems where the data dimensionality is larger than the number of samples and advanced computational techniques are required to solve these problems. We develop these techniques and apply to them to large brain image databases to help neuroscientists to find imaging markers to different brain disorders.

BUDS-Building Up Digital Strategists

Erasmus+ project
Call 2019 KA203 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education
The project builds on an existing summer school on consulting on digital transformation projects in close cooperation with consultancy firms.

The core aim of the project is the design and delivery of a blended course on digital management consulting made of three self-standing e-learning modules and an experiential-based intensive training programme.

Cloneria Jatileni (

I facilitate the collaborations between the University of Eastern Finland’s department of teacher education and our partner universities in the global north and south. In this collaboration, we work with the departments of education at the University of Turku in Finland, the University of Namibia in Namibia, and Stadio Higher Education in South Africa. Generally, I am involved in the GINTL  African collaborations with UEF on educational research. My work includes applying for funding on GINTL projects at UEF and identifying possible research areas. Our research areas are teacher education/training, digital learning, early childhood education and educational policies. I am also a doctoral student at UEF. My dissertation focuses on digital learning for Mathematics and policy development in Namibian basic education.