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Kaisa K. Vainio

Kaisa K. Vainio

Visiting Researcher

Visiting Researcher

PhD. student in the Department of Forest Sciences
Project researcher in ‘Trees Near Us’ – project
MA in Cultural Anthropology

School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology | +358 50 478 0465

I’m working as PhD researcher in the multidisciplinary ‘Trees Near Us’-project, which studies the relations between humans and trees. I examine the cultural relationship with trees, and personal affection humans have for individual trees. In my study I cover tree-relationships from several angles, such as nature-connectivity, ownership, memories, sensoral experiences, care, connections to previous generations, spirituality and Finnish forest-relationship.

Other research interests:
– Cultural studies of environment
– Sosiocultural bioeconomy research
– Arctic Studies
– Cross-Border cooperation and cultural exchange (Finland-Russia)


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