Ville Nivalainen
University Lecturer
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 430 9143
Building a co-operation network in the field of technology and a working life connection between the University of Eastern Finland and companies. Designing educational content together with companies and the universities of applied sciences, creating a network of internships, integrating students into the area, and planning a material bank and practices.
Research groups
19/19 items-
Itä-Suomen yliopisto käynnisti Kestävät teknologiat -DI-koulutuksen
Heräjärvi, Henrik; Haapala, Antti; Karvinen, Pauliina; Nivalainen, Ville. 2023. Puumies. 68: 36 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Pomput ja puristusvoima havainnollistavat alakoulun fysiikkaa
Kesonen Mikko, Nivalainen Ville, Hietala Jesse. 2015. LUMA.fi sanomat -
Tutkimusperustainen fysiikan opettajankoulutusohjelma - prosessi ja nykytila
Hirvonen Pekka E, Leinonen Risto, Kesonen Mikko, Nivalainen Ville, Asikainen Mervi. 2015. LUMAT -
Preservice teachers' objectives and their experience of practical work
Nivalainen V, Asikainen M A, Hirvonen P E. 2013. Physical review special topics: physics education research -
Open Guided Inquiry Laboratory in Physics Teacher Education
Nivalainen Ville, Asikainen Mervi, Hirvonen Pekka. 2012. Journal of science teacher education -
Preservice and Inservice Teachers' Challenges in the Planning of Practical Work in Physics
Nivalainen V, Asikainen MA, Sormunen K & Hirvonen PE. 2010. Journal of science teacher education -
Teacher students and in-service teachers planning and implementing teaching sequences in the school physics laboratory
Nivalainen V.;Hirvonen P. E.. 2008. Amstel Institute, University of Amsterdam -
Restructuring a coherent physics teacher education programme
Ville Nivalainen;Kari Sormunen;Pekka E. Hirvonen. 2006. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita -
A research based program on the physics teacher education - a general framework
Nivalainen V.;Sormunen K.;Hirvonen P.E.. 2005. -
Fysiikan opettajankoulutuksen uudistaminen tutkintorakenteen murroksessa - BPCK-malli viitekehyksenä.
Nivalainen V.;Sormunen K.;Hirvonen P. E.. 2005. Turun yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan julkaisuja