Sari Tillonen
University Teacher
University teacher at the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies.
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 46 921 3258
I specialize on Finnish history of education from late 19th century to this day. I’m especially interested of the historical development of History and Social Studies school subjects inside Finnish education system. I teach on courses focused on later Finnish history, especially History and Social Studies courses focused on our subject teacher trainees and history career choices.
My Doctoral thesis studies the history and current state of social studies using historical research and phenomenographic methods. The aim this research is to study firstly, the historical formation and independent status of the Social Studies education in Finland. Secondly, it focuses phenomenographically discovering and describing History and Social Studies university students’ understanding on Social Studies.
3/3 items-
Ainereaali ja historian ja yhteiskuntaopin ylioppilaskirjoittajat
Tillonen, Sari. 2022. Koulu ja menneisyys. 59: 112-131 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Demokratiakasvatuksen utopiat, toiveet ja lupaukset kohtaavat koulumaailman peruskallion
Tillonen, Sari. 2022. Koulu ja menneisyys. 59: 168-180 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
”Rautalankaa, tiedonhakua ja yhteisöllistä oppimista motivaation pyörteissä” Fenomenografinen tutkimus lukiolaisten oppimis- ja motivaatiokäsityksistä yhteiskuntaopissa
Tillonen, Sari. 2018. G2 Master’s thesis, polytechnic Master’s thesis