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Tanja  Tarvainen

Tanja Tarvainen


Professor on Computational Imaging and Modelling

Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

[email protected] | +358 40 355 2310

The team of Professor Tanja Tarvainen investigates and develops computational methods for optical and ultrasonic inverse problems such as tomographic imaging and therapy in the framework of Bayesian inverse problems. The tomographic methods include purely light based modalities such as diffuse optical tomography and coupled physics imaging such as photoacoustic tomography. In addition, modelling and computational methods for light transport and ultrasound propagation are studied, and prototype instrumentation for the techniques are developed.

Research groups


Research interests

Teaching Activities

  • Current teaching: Optimisation
  • Past teaching (lectures): Finite element methods, Modelling II, Tieteellinen viestintä fysiikassa
  • Past teaching (exercises): Statistical inverse problems, Mathematical modelling, Finite element methods, Optimization, Estimation theory, Modelling II, Physics A, Physics III


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