We have currently two ongoing projects at Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Joensuu campus:
1) Towards sustainable harvesting of African edible bush-cricket (Ruspolia differens) for enhancing food security and rural livelihoods in East Africa
The need for nutritious and protein-rich food sources is growing especially in developing countries. Insects as food or feed are now considered as one potential solution to meet the increasing global demand of food and nutrition. Insects have always been part of human diets and more than two thousand insect species are recorded to be eaten by human. Ruspolia differens is among the most consumed edible insects in East Africa where its consumption has multiple health, environmental, economic and social benefits for the rural communities. It is harvested at night with strong lights and the yield per light-harvesting station can be up to 800–1000 kg per night. However, there have been widespread reports of declines in harvest yields in recent years. The goal of this project is to improve understanding of R. differens harvesting effort, yield, and source populations, and to develop a sustainable management and conservation plan for R. differens.
2) Assembly of food webs during tropical forest restoration
Forests play a fundamental part in the well-being of humankind, and restoration of forests has now emerged as a global priority. Yet, it is still poorly understood how efficiently forest restoration can bring back the complexity of functioning ecosystems, such as the crucial networks of species interactions. In this project, we study the assembly of food webs and species diversity during tropical forest restoration in Kibale National Park, Uganda, in large-scale restoration planting areas.
Funding for food security research from Research Council of Finland
Our PI Anu Valtonen got a grant from the Research Council of Finland for years 2023-2026 to study sustainable use of edible grasshoppers.
Recovery patterns in community composition of fruit‐feeding butterflies following 26 years of active forest restoration
Korkiatupa, Eveliina; Malinga, Geoffrey M; Nakadai, Ryosuke; Nyafwono, Margaret; Akite, Perpetra; Holm, Sille; van Goor, Wouter; Kigenyi, Richard; Valtonen, Anu, 2023, Ecosphere, 14, 5, e4514, DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4514
Remotely-sensed vegetation greening along a restoration gradient of a tropical forest, Kibale National Park, Uganda
Valtonen, Anu; Korkiatupa, Eveliina; Holm, Sille; Malinga, Geoffrey M; Nakadai, Ryosuke, 2021, Land degradation and development, 32, 18, 5166-5177, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4096
Post-doctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Project Researcher
Other group members
41 items-
30 years brings changes to the arthropod community of Kibale National Park, Uganda
Opito, Emmanuel A; Alanko, Timo; Kalbitzer, Urs; Nummelin, Matti; Omeja, Patrick; Valtonen, Anu; Chapman, Colin A. 2023. Biotropica. 55: 529-539 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory
The Herbivory Variability Network. 2023. Science. 382: 679-683 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Recovery patterns in community composition of fruit‐feeding butterflies following 26 years of active forest restoration
Korkiatupa, Eveliina; Malinga, Geoffrey M; Nakadai, Ryosuke; Nyafwono, Margaret; Akite, Perpetra; Holm, Sille; van Goor, Wouter; Kigenyi, Richard; Valtonen, Anu. 2023. Ecosphere. 14: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Growth and Reproductive Performance of Edible Grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) on Different Artificial Diets
Malinga, Geoffrey M; Acur, Amos; Ocen, Patrick; Holm, Sille; Rutaro, Karlmax; Ochaya, Stephen; Kinyuru, John N; Eilenberg, Jørgen; Roos, Nanna; Valtonen, Anu; Nyeko, Philip; Roininen, Heikki. 2022. Journal of economic entomology. 115: 724-730 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Performance of the house cricket (Acheta domesticus) on by-product diets in small-scale production
Sorjonen, JM; Karhapää, M; Holm, S; Valtonen, A; Roininen, H. 2021. Journal of insects as food and feed. [Epub ahead of print 31 Aug 2021]: 1-6 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Recovery of fruit-feeding butterfly communities in Budongo Forest Reserve after anthropogenic disturbance
Oloya, Joseph; Malinga, Geoffrey M; Nyafwono, Margaret; Akite, Perpetra; Nakadai, Ryosuke; Holm, Sille; Valtonen, Anu. 2021. Forest ecology and management. 491: 119087 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Remotely-sensed vegetation greening along a restoration gradient of a tropical forest, Kibale National Park, Uganda
Valtonen, Anu; Korkiatupa, Eveliina; Holm, Sille; Malinga, Geoffrey M; Nakadai, Ryosuke. 2021. Land degradation and development. 32: 5166-5177 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Growth performance and feed conversion of Ruspolia differens on plant-based by-product diets
Sorjonen, Jaana M; Lehtovaara, Vilma J; Immonen, Joni; Karhapää, Maija; Valtonen, Anu; Roininen, Heikki. 2020. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 168: 460-471 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Performance of the African edible bush-cricket, Ruspolia differens, on single and mixed diets containing inflorescences of their host plant species
Malinga, Geoffrey M; Valtonen, Anu; Hiltunen, Minna; Lehtovaara, Vilma J; Nyeko, Philip; Roininen, Heikki. 2020. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata. 168: 448-459 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Developing Mass Egg-Laying Medium for the Edible Ruspolia differens (Orthoptera: Tettigonidae)
Malinga, GM; Lehtovaara, VJ; Valtonen, A; Nyeko, P; Roininen, H. 2019. Journal of economic entomology. 112: 2157-2160 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research