Utopian studies network
Research group
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
The Utopian studies network brings together UEF scholars interested in utopias from a substantial or methodological point of view. Utopian studies aims at broadening conceptions of possible futures and creating tools for the use of political imagination. Empirically, utopian research focuses on conceptions about desired futures. Theoretically, it touches upon utopias as criticism, amongst other themes.
Tuomas "Tuoppi" Korhonen
University TeacherSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Jussi Mäkelä
University TeacherSchool of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty -
Marjukka Laiho
Postdoctoral ResearcherSchool of Theology, Philosophical Faculty -
Teppo Eskelinen
University LecturerDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Anna Sofia Salonen
University LecturerSchool of Theology, Philosophical Faculty -
Antti Rajala
Part-Time TeacherSchool of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty -
Tuomo Alhojärvi
Postdoctoral ResearcherSchool of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty -
Milja Pollari
Postdoctoral ResearcherSchool of Theology, Philosophical Faculty -
Anu Lainio
Grant-funded ResearcherSchool of Theology, Philosophical Faculty -
Meri-Tuuli Hirvonen
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Antti Jauhiainen
Doctoral ResearcherSchool of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty
7 items-
Expanding Cycles of Collaboration and Critical Inquiry in Utopian Methodology. The 360 Education Alliance Case
Esteban-Guitart, Moises; Rajala, Antti; Cole, Michael. 2023. Qualitative research in education. 12: 25-51 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Moninaiset tulevaisuudet: nuorten utopioiden ulottuvuudet
Salonen, Anna Sofia; Laiho, Marjukka; Lainio, Anu; Myllys, Riikka. Teoksessa: Mikkola, Sini; Saarelainen, Suvi-Maria(toim.) , 2023. Millenniaalien kirkko: Kulttuuriset muutokset ja kristillinen usko. s. 286-313. Kirkon tutkimuskeskus A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Utopian Methodologies to Address the Social and Ecological Crises Through Educational Research
Rajala, Antti; Jornet Gil, Alfredo; Accioly, Inny. Teoksessa: Damşa, Crina; Rajala, Antti; Ritella, Giuseppe; Brouwer, Jasperina(toim.) , 2023. Re-Theorising Learning And Research Methods In Learning Research. s. 298-312. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Utopiapedagogiikan avulla opitaan, miten asiat voisivat olla
Lakkala, Keijo; Rajala, Antti. 2023. Kasvatus. 54: 288–292 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Utopias, criticism and contemporary analysis: A methodological approach
Eskelinen, Teppo. 2023. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego abstract -
Utopian methodology: Researching educational interventions to promote equity over multiple timescales
Rajala, Antti; Cole, Michael; Esteban-Guitart, Moises. 2022. Journal of the learning sciences. 2023; 32: 110-136 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Utopioiden paluu ja metodologiset haasteet
Eskelinen, Teppo. 2021. Ruukku. : - B1 Non-refereed journal articles