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Ville  Paakinaho

Ville Paakinaho

Academy Research Fellow

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Adjunct professor

Institute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences

[email protected] | +358 50 512 8721

I act as academy research fellow and research group leader in the Institute of Biomedicine at University of Eastern Finland. My research focuses on deciphering how nuclear protein interactions alter the regulation of genes in prostate cancer, and how these changes lead to the development of drug-resistant cancer. In addition to prostate cancer, I investigate the activity, interactions, and alteration of these proteins also in other disease states. More detailed description of my research can be found at our research group page (Paakinaho lab).

Academic degrees and positions

  • 2021 Title of a Docent (in the field of molecular endocrinology) (equivalent of Adjunct professor), University of Eastern Finland

    2014 PhD (medical biochemistry), University of Eastern Finland

  • Current positions

    2023 Assistant Professor (tenure track), Institute of Biomedicine, UEF

    2021 Academy Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedicine, UEF

    Past positions

    2019, Special Volunteer, National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA

    2018 – 2021, Postdoctoral Fellow (Academy of Finland), Institute of Biomedicine, UEF

    2015 – 2017, Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA

    2010 – 2014, Early Stage Researcher, Institute of Biomedicine, UEF

Teaching activities and positions of trust

  • Current teaching activities

    Since 2023

    Course organizer: Cancer Journal Club, Postgraduate studies, University of Eastern Finland

    Since 2018

    Course director: Genome-wide gene expression project (GEP), Master’s program in Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland

    Past teaching activities


    Lecturer: Johdatus bioinformatiikkaan (JOBI), Health bioscience degree programme, University of Eastern Finland

    Laboratory instructor: Advanced laboratory works in molecular biology (ALMB), Health bioscience degree programme, University of Eastern Finland


    Laboratory instructor: Molekyylibiologian laboratoriotyöt biokemisteille (BIK390), Bioscience degree programme, University of Eastern Finland

    Laboratory instructor: Lääketieteellinen biokemia 2 (LBK2), Medical degree programme, University of Eastern Finland


    Laboratory instructor: Molekyylibiologian laboratoriotyöt biokemisteille (BIK390), Bioscience degree programme, University of Eastern Finland


    Laboratory instructor: Lääketieteellinen biokemia 2 (LBK2), Medical degree programme, University of Eastern Finland

  • Since 2023

    Member of the steering group, The Multidisciplinary Cancer Research community, University of Eastern Finland

    Since 2022

    Member of the executive committee, The Finnish Endocrine Society


  • 2022, Unto Uotila Award (Young Investigator Award), Finnish Endocrine Society, Finland

    2019, The Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract Award, Endocrine Society, United States

    2017, The Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), NIH, United States

    2015, Young Researcher Award, UEF, Finland



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