Tarkenna hakuasi

Mirella  Miettinen

Mirella Miettinen


OTT, FT, dosentti, akatemiatutkija

Oikeustieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta

[email protected] | 050 472 0510

I work as an Academy Research Fellow in environmental law at the UEF Law School. My research focuses on chemicals legislation (in particular nanomaterials and pharmaceuticals). I teach a course on circular economy and law at the UEF Law School.

Current projects

  • The impact of EU chemicals policy and legislation on green transformations in the pharmaceutical sector in the EU (PharGTrans) (the Research Council of Finland; 2023-2027)
  • Hiilimarkkinoilta lisäarvoa turvetuotannosta poistettujen alueiden jatkokäyttöön (Value from the carbon market for the next land use of peat production areas) (ArvoHiili) (Co-funded by the European Union, Just Transition Fund; 2023-2026)


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