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Biomedical MRI´s Profile image

Biomedical MRI

Research group
01.01.1995 -
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences


Magnetic resonance techniques have shown great success for non-invasive detection of structural, metabolic and functional abnormalities in progressive pathologies. Our goal is to address fundamental neurobiological questions using modern MRI technology in combination with disease models. We use the latest existing MRI methodologies as well as develop novel (f)MRI techniques in order to understand how the brain functions and to find surrogate markers for processes associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The recent interest area has been a combination of novel fMRI techniques with brain stimulation and electrical recording in anesthetized and awake animals. The search for clinically relevant, non-invasive surrogate markers for neurodegenerative processes is of ultimate importance, both for clinical patient management and for the development of specific drugs for treating these processes.

Link to Kuopio-BIU pages.



Post-doctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers


Supporting Staff
