Genome Center of Eastern Finland
The Genome Center on University of Eastern Finland (UEF) was established in 2008 to support and develop research in the field of genetics at the UEF related to the human health and diseases. The current activities are focused on providing services for UEF researchers, patient genotyping, high throughput sequencing of custom libraries and bioinformatics analysis.
The Genome Center includes a unique FINAS accredited (SFS-EN ISO 15189:2022) Gene Diagnostics Laboratory (Testing laboratory T321) that provides diagnostic services for about over/around 30 monogenic diseases and pharmacogenomics to Finnish healthcare sector.
The Genome Center is owned and governed by the Faculty of Health Sciences at UEF and it is part of the Biocenter Kuopio. Genome Center is managed by a board of 10 researchers, which represent experts in the field of genetics and genomics from all the major strategic research areas of UEF. The board coordinates the development of Genome Center infrastructure, including equipment, methodologies and services by considering UEF’s research strategy and the future needs of local Research Communities to enable leading edge science in the genetic and genomic research in Finland.
Services are located at the UEF Kuopio Campus. DNA and RNA sequencing, genotyping, gene expression analyses and related genetic data-analytics are carried out done in the Gene Diagnostics Laboratory at the Mediteknia building.
Genome Center have several joint use instruments for use of the research groups of Eastern Finland. Genome Center take care of functionality and servicing of the joint use infrastructure and organising orientation of the using of the instruments and software. Genome Center also can offer help with the research data if necessary.
Joint use instruments:
– Illumina NextSeq2000 and Miniseq NGS-sequencers
- NextSeq500 is not in use anymore
– Abi 3500Xl Sanger-sequencer
– Agilent Magnis NGS Prep System
– Tecan Freedom EVO platform
– QuantStudio 5 qPCR-system
– Qiagen QIACube DNA/RNA extraction system
– Agilent TapeStation 4150 ja Fragment Analyzer 5200 automated electrophoresis instruments
- Agilent BioAnalyzer is not in use anymore
– Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 1000 Spectrophotometer
– 2xQubit 2.0 Fluorometer (pre- and post-PCR)
Ask more for using and charges of joint use instruments from Gene Diagnostics Laboratory staff (Joose Raivo 040 355 2739 and Seppo Helisalmi 044 716 2202).
Molecular Pathology and Genetics of Cancer 01.01.2022 -
Nutritional epidemiology research group 01.01.1996 -
Molecular Medicine 01.01.1995 -
Genetics of gene regulation in disease - Heikkinen lab 01.09.2017 -
Systems Genomics - Heinäniemi lab 01.09.2014 -
Cardiovascular Genomics (Kaikkonen lab) 01.09.2015 -
Single Cell Genomics Core 01.01.2020 -
Bioinformatics Center 01.01.2014 -
Clinical Research Centre (CRC) 01.01.2002 -
Molecular Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease - Hiltunen Lab 01.01.2022 -

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU
Director - Genome Center of Eastern Finland
Chairman of the managing board
Secretaryof the managing board
Managing board - ISGK
Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä
ProfessorA.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Sami Heikkinen
Research DirectorInstitute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen
ProfessorInstitute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Jaana Hartikainen
Research ManagerInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Arto Mannermaa
ProfessorInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Merja Heinäniemi
ProfessorInstitute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Henri Leinonen
Academy Research FellowSchool of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences
Gene Diagnostics Laboratory
Joose Raivo
Molecular BiologistInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Anniina Oravilahti
BioinformaticianInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Ulla Lehtoaho
BioanalystInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Hanna Peltonen
Project CoordinatorInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Jaana Hartikainen
Research ManagerInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Seppo Helisalmi
Staff ScientistInstitute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
Other group members
Johtoryhmän jäsen - Itä Suomen Genomikeskus - Ylilääkäri Tanja Saarela