Managing smart and sustainable knowledge-intensive economy in rural areas of Finland
Main funder
Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö Maaseutupolitiikan neuvoston (MANE) asettaman hankeryhmän esityksestä, Makeran valtakunnallisiin maaseudun tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeisiin suunnatuista varoista
Rural areas and the development of the rural information economy are finding their place in regional innovation policy, regional development, and smart specialisation strategy. In strengthening regional economies, the smart specialisation strategy aims to develop the innovation potential of the regions as a tool for entrepreneurial search and the development of the regional brand. The importance of rural areas in the transition to a sustainable society challenges
rural enterprises to reform while develop both traditional agricultural entrepreneurship and other business activities. Sustainable rural economic development requires closer links with regional RDI activities.
The aim of this multidisciplinary and multimethod research was to examine the conditionsfor knowledge-intensive, new business activities in rural areas using the framework of spatial strategies. The primary research question is: What development and steering measures best contribute to strengthening knowledge-intensive business activities in rural areas?