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Making the grade but feeling exhausted? Developmental and situational dynamics of motivation, perfectionism, and academic well-being across secondary education´s Profile image

Making the grade but feeling exhausted? Developmental and situational dynamics of motivation, perfectionism, and academic well-being across secondary education

01.09.2022 - 31.08.2027
School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education, Philosophical Faculty


Main funder

Making the grade but feeling exhausted? Developmental and situational dynamics of motivation, perfectionism, and academic well-being across secondary education funder logo


The main objective of this Making the Grade but Feeling Exhausted (WELL2) Academy Research Fellow project (2022–2027) funded by the Research Council of Finland, is to examine the developmental and situational dynamics between students’ motivation, perfectionism, and academic well-being across upper secondary education, and to consider the role of student welfare in supporting students’ learning and well-being.

A four-year longitudinal data on the development of students’ motivation, perfectionism, and academic well-being will be collected and complemented with city- and school-level information on student welfare, and in-the-moment measures of students’ situational motivation and emotions (i.e., experience sampling data).

The theoretically integrative perspective and the project design enable us to uncover motivational dynamics that contribute to student well-being, both longitudinally and situationally. The knowledge and understanding yielded will be topical in the current societal situation and important for developing student welfare.

Follow @Heta_Tuominen on Twitter or on Bluesky, to keep track on the latest news from the project.


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  • PhD theses in preparation:

    • Anna Kuusi, University of Eastern Finland: “Perfectionism, achievement striving, and study-related well-being during secondary education: Gender differences and developmental dynamics”
    • Henriikka Juntunen, University of Eastern Finland: “University students’ motivation and well-being: Longitudinal trajectories and situational appraisals”
    • Kukka-Maaria Polso, University of Helsinki: “Motivated to engage? The interplay of motivational development and behavioral engagement in adolescence”

    If you are interested in doing a PhD thesis in the project
    , please contact Heta Tuominen.

  • Master’s theses:

    If you are interested in doing a Master’s thesis in the project
    , please contact Heta Tuominen.

  • Conference presentations:

    • Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Viljaranta, J., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden motivaatioprofiilien pysyvyys ja yhteydet perfektionismiin ja hyvinvointiin. Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 23–24 November, Vaasa, Finland.
    • Kuusi, A., Tuominen, H., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Perfektionismi lukiossa ja ammatillisessa koulutuksessa: Erot koulutusten ja sukupuolten välillä. Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 23–24 November, Vaasa, Finland.
    • Tuominen, H., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Opiskelu-uupumuksen arviointi BAT-mittarilla: Toimivuus toisella asteella ja yliopistossa. Paper presented at the FERA Conference on Education, 23–24 November, Vaasa, Finland.
    • Tuominen, H., Rasa, E., Kujala, E., Viljaranta, J., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). School engagement and burnout profiles in upper secondary school: Associations with perceived learning difficulties. Paper presented at the Oppimis- ja oppimisvaikeustutkijatapaaminen, 5–6 October, Jyväskylä, Finland.
    • Juntunen, H., Tuominen, H., Hirvonen, R., Viljaranta, J., Toom, A., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Stability of motivational profiles, the predictive role of perfectionism, and links to well-being. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, 22–26 August, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Kuusi, A., Tuominen, H., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Students’ perfectionism: Gender differences and development in upper secondary education. Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the JUnior REsearchers of EARLI, 20–21 August, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Polso, K.-M., Tuominen, H., Ihantola, P., & Niemivirta, M. (2023). Networks and dynamics of secondary students’ momentary expectancies, values, costs, and engagement. Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the JUnior REsearchers of EARLI, 20–21 August, Thessaloniki, Greece.
    • Research information can be found here (pdf).
    • Tiedote tutkimuksesta nuorille löytyy täältä (pdf)
    • Tiedote tutkimuksesta huoltajille löytyy täältä (pdf)
    • Kirje tutkimuksesta oppilaitoksille löytyy täältä (pdf)
    • Information om studien finns här (pdf)
    • Brev till läroanstalter finns här (pdf)
  • General upper secondary schools and vocational institutes are welcome to join the study! If your institution is interested in participating in the study, please fill in the registration form or contact the lead researcher directly. Thank you very much!



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