Regulatory mechanisms of steroid receptors - Niskanen lab
Our aim is to understand how coregulators influence transcriptional regulation. As models, we use cortisol and inflammatory signaling pathways, that can be induced on demand.
Synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) are potent anti-inflammatory drugs that are used to treat various inflammatory diseases, including asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Prolonged medical use of GCs is however hindered by the adverse side effects that can lead to e.g. diabetes and osteoporosis. GCs function by activating a transcription factor, GC receptor, which induces and represses genes. Anti-inflammatory actions of GCs are result from repression of inflammatory genes, while the side effects arise from activation of metabolic genes. While the mechanisms of gene induction in GC signaling are relatively well characterized, those of gene repression are not.
Academy Research Fellow
Professor , Biomedicine
Academy Research Fellow
University Researcher, Adjunct Professor in Cancer Biology
Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher
Academy Research Fellow, Assistant Professor of Health Bioinformatics (tenure track)
Assistant Professor in Next Generation Gene Therapy (Tenure track)
Grégoire Stik
Group leader
What's New?
2024-10 Siiri & Einari at Endodays in Helsinki. Congratulations Siiri for the best short talk prize!
2024-09 Group attending Finnish Cancer Institute Symposium in Kuopio. Siiri with a poster!
2024-09 SUMOylation in regulation of chromatin interactions collaboration paper with Palvimo, Paakinaho, and Varjosalo labs out in NAR!
2024-08 Tumor micro-environment in prostate cancer collaboration paper with Pasonen-Seppänen, Ketola, and Paakinaho labs out in Oncoimmunology!
2024-04 Genetic variation as a driver of differences in gene regulation in mice collaboration paper with Heikkinen lab out in NAR!
2024-02 Einari presenting at UEF PI seminar series in Kuopio.
2024-01 FOXA1 restricts GR expression in prostate cancer collaboration paper with Paakinaho and Palvimo labs out in NAR!
2023-10 Changes in RNA binding proteins during prostate cancer progression collaboration paper with Latonen lab out in Cancer Reports!
2023-09 Einari presenting at Fight cancer together! -symposium in Jyväskylä.
2023-09 Bharad and Kseniia at Spetses Summer School: Epigenomics, Nuclear Receptors and Disease!
2023-04 Evaluating online team-based learning in higher education of biomedicine collaboration paper out in TELL-2023 workshop proceedings with Abdelgalil lab and Strauss and Mairinoja from University of Turku!
2022-09 Siiri starting as a project researcher!
2022-09 Bharad got DPMM doctoral researcher position!
2022-04 Study on Canine parvovirus NS2 protein’s chromatin interactions, a collaboration paper with my PhD supervisor Vihinen-Ranta, Kaikkonen-Määttä, and Varjosalo labs out in PLoS Pathogens!
2021-07 Chromatin-directed interactions of androgen receptor collaboration paper with Palvimo and Krijgsveld labs out in Oncogene!
2021-07 BCOR as a glucocorticoid receptor modulator paper out in Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a collaboration with Palvimo and Varjosalo labs.
2021-02 SUMOylation as glucocorticoid receptor regulator collaboration paper with Krijgsveld , Krijgsveld and Varjosalo labs out in NAR!
2020-11 Einari presenting at
2020-11 Bharad and Kseniia starting as PhD researchers!
2020-09 Review of histone modifications in gene regulation (in Finnish!) out in Solubiologi journal!
2020-09 Beginning!
23 items-
Central role of SUMOylation in the regulation of chromatin interactions and transcriptional outputs of the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells
Launonen, Kaisa-Mari; Varis, Vera; Aaltonen, Niina; Niskanen, Einari A; Varjosalo, Markku; Paakinaho, Ville; Palvimo, Jorma J. 2024. Nucleic acids research. 52: 9519-9535 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Secreted factors from M1 macrophages drive prostate cancer stem cell plasticity by upregulating NANOG, SOX2, and CD44 through NFκB-signaling
Kainulainen, Kirsi; Niskanen, Einari A; Kinnunen, Johanna; Mäki-Mantila, Kaisa; Hartikainen, Kiia; Paakinaho, Ville; Malinen, Marjo; Ketola, Kirsi; Pasonen-Seppänen, Sanna. 2024. Oncoimmunology. 13: . 2393442 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Steroidireseptorien säätely
Paakinaho, Ville; Niskanen, Einari A. 2024. Duodecim. 140: 759-767 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Chromatin accessibility and pioneer factor FOXA1 restrict glucocorticoid receptor action in prostate cancer
Helminen, Laura; Huttunen, Jasmin; Tulonen, Melina; Aaltonen, Niina; Niskanen, Einari A; Palvimo, Jorma J; Paakinaho, Ville. 2023. Nucleic acids research. 2024; 52: 625-642 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Complementary analysis of proteome‐wide proteomics reveals changes in RNA binding protein‐profiles during prostate cancer progression
Aikio, Erika; Koivukoski, Sonja; Kallio, Elina; Sadeesh, Nithin; Niskanen, Einari A; Latonen, Leena. 2023. Cancer reports. 6: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Genetic variation is a key determinant of chromatin accessibility and drives differences in the regulatory landscape of C57BL/6J and 129S1/SvImJ mice
Mononen, Juho; Taipale, Mari; Malinen, Marjo; Velidendla, Bharadwaja; Niskanen, Einari; Levonen, Anna-Liisa; Ruotsalainen, Anna-Kaisa; Heikkinen, Sami. 2023. Nucleic acids research. 2024; 52: 2904-2923 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
International Online Team-Based Learning in Higher Education of Biomedicine - Evaluation by Learning Analytics
Mairinoja, Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Elmoazen, Ramy; Niskanen, Einari A.; Kuningas, Tiina; Wärri, Anni; Saqr, Mohammed; Strauss, Leena. Teoksessa: Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop (TELL 2023). s. 49-60. A4 Conference proceedings -
Parvovirus nonstructural protein 2 interacts with chromatin-regulating cellular proteins
Mattola, Salla; Salokas, Kari; Aho, Vesa; Mäntylä, Elina; Salminen, Sami; Hakanen, Satu; Niskanen, Einari A.; Svirskaite, Julija; Ihalainen, Teemu O.; Airenne, Kari J.; Kaikkonen-Määttä, Minna; Parrish, Colin R.; Varjosalo, Markku; Vihinen-Ranta, Maija. 2022. PLoS pathogens. 18: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
BCOR modulates transcriptional activity of a subset of glucocorticoid receptor target genes involved in cell growth and mobility
Manjur, ABMK; Lempiäinen, JK; Malinen, M; Varjosalo, M; Palvimo, JJ; Niskanen, EA. 2021. Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology -
Chromatin-directed proteomics-identified network of endogenous androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells
Launonen, Kaisa-Mari; Paakinaho, Ville; Sigismondo, Gianluca; Malinen, Marjo; Sironen, Reijo; Hartikainen, Jaana M; Laakso, Hanna; Visakorpi, Tapio; Krijgsveld, Jeroen; Niskanen, Einari A; Palvimo, Jorma J. 2021. Oncogene