International Business and Sales Management (IBS)
We contribute to international business, sales and marketing research by developing new theoretical models/frameworks and new concepts, and through conducting both quantitative and qualitative empirical research. Also, the research group seeks contribution to existing research through cross cultural comparative research. Our research has, besides theoretical, also managerial and governmental implications thus contributing to the development of sustainable value creation systems in the society. The research results are published in highly ranked international refereed journals (JUFO class 2-3 / ABS 3-4* publications).
The research group is currently focusing on the following themes:
– Business models, growth and survival of born globals and digital firms;
– Networking of born globals and digital firms;
– International sales channel and social media strategies;
– Entrepreneurial and strategic orientations of internationalizing SMEs;
– International sales relationships, their processes and management;
– International interorganizational cooperation across B2B firms;
– Methods in international business and sales education.
Group leader: professor Saara Julkunen