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Microplastic research´s Profile image

Microplastic research

Research group
01.09.2016 -
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology


Microplastic research is focused on the following topics:

  • Quantitative and qualitative measurements of microplastics from environmental and food samples
    • Development of analytical methods
    • Microplastic load to aquatic environments via storm waters
  • Migration of microplastics ja chemicals from plastic food packages
  • Health effects of microplastics, especially for human gut microbiota
  • Industrial applications of microplastics research
  • Develoment of microplastic remediation methods

We have versatile and high-quality analytical instruments: imaging infrared microscope (Agilent Cary 670/620), Raman microscope (Thermo DXR2xi) and infrared spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet iS50). Moreover, we have access to light microscopy, electron microscopy and chemical analysis, such as chromatography mass spectrometry.

We have gained experience about microplastic analyses since 2016, and the method development is still active. Our aims include e.g., to utilize the methods for environmetal and industrial samples, to participate in development and validation of novel analytical methods, as well as to collaborate with various fields of research.






Senior Researchers

Post-doctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers

Supporting Staff



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